Developers Guide#

The instructions in this following section are based upon resources:

Fork and Clone Repository#

Working of your own forked version of the repository is the preferred approach. To fork the repository visit the repository page at TCDSolar/xrayvision (make sure you are logged into github) and click on the fork button at the to right of the page.

Clone your forked version of the

git clone<username>/xrayvision.git

It is also advisable to configure the upstream remote at this point

git remote add upstream

Isolated Environment#

It is highly recommended to work in an isolated python environment there are a number of tools available to help manage and create isolated environment such as

For this documentation we will proceed using Python’s venv but the step would be similar in other tools. For a more detailed overview see the virturl environment section of astropy development workflow here.

First verify the python version installed by running 'python -V' or possibly 'python3 -V' depending on your system it should be greater then 3.6. Next create a new virtual environment in a directory outside the git repo and activate.

python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
#note the prompt change

The next step is to install the required dependencies (ensure you are working from inside you virtual environment which can be verified by comparing the path returned from 'python -m pip -V' to the path used in the above steps)

python -m pip install -e .
# to install all development dependencies documentation, testing etc use
python -m pip install -e .[dev]

Working on code#

It’s import to always be working from the most recent version of the so before working on any code start by getting the latest changes and then creating a branch for you new code.

git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git checkout -b <branch-name>

Branch names should ideally be short and descriptive e.g. ‘feature-xmlparseing’, ‘bugfix-ql-fits’, ‘docs-devguide’ and preferably separated by dashes ‘-’ rather than underscores ‘_’.

Once you are happy with your changes push the changes to github

git add <list of modified or changed files>
git commit
git push origin <branch-name>

and open a pull request (PR).

Note a series of checks will be automatically run on code once a PR is created it is recommended that you locally test the code as outlined below. Additionally it is recommended that you install and configure pre-commit which runs various style and code quality checks before commit.

python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


Testing is built on the PyTest and there are a number of ways to run the tests. During development it is often beneficial to run a subset of test relevant to the current code this can be accomplished by running one of the commands below.

pytest stixcore/path/to/        # run a specific test function
pytest stixcore/path/to/                 # run a specific test file
pytest stixcore/module                               # run all test for a modules
pytst                                                # run all tests

Additionally tox is use to create and run tests in reproducible environments. To see a list of tox environment use 'tox -l' to run a specific environment run 'tox -e <envname>' or to run all simply run 'tox'.


This is the same process that is run on the CI


Documentation is built using Sphinx similarly to the tests above this can be run manually or through tox. To run manually cd to the docs directory and run 'make html' to run via tox 'tox -e build_docs'.