RHESSI Visibility Imaging#

Create images from RHESSI visibility data

import astropy.units as apu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits

from xrayvision.clean import vis_clean
from xrayvision.imaging import vis_psf_map, vis_to_map
from xrayvision.mem import mem
from xrayvision.visibility import Visibility

We will use astropy.io.fits to download and open the RHESSI visibility fits file

hdul = fits.open(

No lets extract the visibility data the first thing we will do is filter the visibilities by time. We will extract the 3rd integration time range.

times = np.unique(hdul[-1].data["TRANGE"], axis=0)
time_index, _ = np.where(hdul[-1].data["TRANGE"] == times[6])
vis_data = hdul[3].data[time_index]

Next lets filter by energy range in this case 12 - 25 keV

energy_index, _ = np.where(vis_data["ERANGE"] == [12.0, 25.0])
vis_data = vis_data[energy_index]

Now lets filter by ISC or detector to remove possibly bad data in this case need to remove ISC 0 and 1.

vis_data = vis_data[vis_data["isc"] > 1]
vis_data = vis_data[vis_data["obsvis"] != 0 + 0j]

Now we can create the visibility object from the filtered visibilities.

vunit = apu.Unit("photon/(cm**2 s)")
vis = Visibility(
    vis=vis_data["obsvis"] * vunit,
    u=vis_data["u"] / apu.arcsec,
    v=vis_data["v"] / apu.arcsec,
    offset=vis_data["xyoffset"][0] * apu.arcsec,
setattr(vis, "amplitude_error", vis_data["sigamp"] * vunit)
setattr(vis, "isc", vis_data["isc"])

Lets have a look at the point spread function (PSF) or dirty beam

psf_map = vis_psf_map(vis, shape=(101, 101) * apu.pixel, pixel_size=1.5 * apu.arcsec, natural=False)

We can now make an image using the back projection algorithm essentially and inverse Fourier transform of the visibilities.

backproj_map = vis_to_map(vis, shape=[101, 101] * apu.pixel, pixel_size=1.5 * apu.arcsec)

Back projection contain many artifact due to the incomplete sampling of the u-v plane as a result various algorithms have been developed to remove or deconvolve this effect. CLEAN is one of the oldest and simplest, a CLEAN image can be made.

# vis_data_59 = vis_data[vis_data['isc'] > 3]
# vis_59 = Visibility(vis=vis_data_59['obsvis']*apu.Unit('ph/cm*s'), u=vis_data_59['u']/apu.arcsec,
#                     v=vis_data_59['v']/apu.arcsec, offset=vis_data_59['xyoffset'][0]*apu.arcsec)

clean_map, model_map, residual_map = vis_clean(
    vis, shape=[101, 101] * apu.pixel, pixel=[1.5, 1.5] * apu.arcsec, clean_beam_width=10 * apu.arcsec, niter=100
Max iterations reached


mem_map = mem(vis, shape=[129, 129] * apu.pixel, pixel=[2, 2] * apu.arcsec)
2024-05-17 16:24:48
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:892: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observation time, setting observation time to current time. Set the 'DATE-AVG' FITS keyword to prevent this warning.
  warn_metadata("Missing metadata for observation time, "
INFO: Missing metadata for solar radius: assuming the standard radius of the photosphere. [sunpy.map.mapbase]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:633: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observer: assuming Earth-based observer.
For frame 'heliographic_stonyhurst' the following metadata is missing: hglt_obs,dsun_obs,hgln_obs
For frame 'heliographic_carrington' the following metadata is missing: crln_obs,dsun_obs,crlt_obs

  obs_coord = self.observer_coordinate

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x7f53be403c10>


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
fig.add_subplot(221, projection=psf_map)
fig.add_subplot(222, projection=backproj_map)
fig.add_subplot(223, projection=clean_map)
fig.add_subplot(224, projection=mem_map)
axs = fig.get_axes()
axs[1].set_title("Back Projection")
PSF, Back Projection, Clean, MEM
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:892: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observation time, setting observation time to current time. Set the 'DATE-AVG' FITS keyword to prevent this warning.
  warn_metadata("Missing metadata for observation time, "
INFO: Missing metadata for solar radius: assuming the standard radius of the photosphere. [sunpy.map.mapbase]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:633: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observer: assuming Earth-based observer.
For frame 'heliographic_stonyhurst' the following metadata is missing: hglt_obs,dsun_obs,hgln_obs
For frame 'heliographic_carrington' the following metadata is missing: crln_obs,dsun_obs,crlt_obs

  obs_coord = self.observer_coordinate
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:892: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observation time, setting observation time to current time. Set the 'DATE-AVG' FITS keyword to prevent this warning.
  warn_metadata("Missing metadata for observation time, "
INFO: Missing metadata for solar radius: assuming the standard radius of the photosphere. [sunpy.map.mapbase]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:633: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observer: assuming Earth-based observer.
For frame 'heliographic_stonyhurst' the following metadata is missing: hglt_obs,dsun_obs,hgln_obs
For frame 'heliographic_carrington' the following metadata is missing: crln_obs,dsun_obs,crlt_obs

  obs_coord = self.observer_coordinate
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:892: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observation time, setting observation time to current time. Set the 'DATE-AVG' FITS keyword to prevent this warning.
  warn_metadata("Missing metadata for observation time, "
INFO: Missing metadata for solar radius: assuming the standard radius of the photosphere. [sunpy.map.mapbase]
/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/xrayvision/envs/latest/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sunpy/map/mapbase.py:633: SunpyMetadataWarning: Missing metadata for observer: assuming Earth-based observer.
For frame 'heliographic_stonyhurst' the following metadata is missing: hglt_obs,dsun_obs,hgln_obs
For frame 'heliographic_carrington' the following metadata is missing: crln_obs,dsun_obs,crlt_obs

  obs_coord = self.observer_coordinate

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 38.895 seconds)

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